In recent years, protests and demonstrations have become more prevalent in our society. They serve as a platform for individuals to voice their opinions and advocate for change. However, in some cases, these protests have led to individuals losing their jobs. This...
Losing a job is an experience that often comes with a mix of frustration, fear, and sometimes the feeling of being treated unfairly. It’s normal to have a strong emotional reaction to being terminated from employment. In the heat of the moment, it might be...
Facing dismissal from employment is a challenge that many wish to avoid, particularly when the dismissal seems unjust or improper—a scenario more common than might be anticipated. Wrongful termination, as this situation is known, leaves many unsure of how to act or...
Constructive dismissal is a significant concept in employment law that affects employees and employers alike. This guide aims to explain what constructive dismissal is, how to identify it, and the steps one should take if they believe they are a victim of such a...
Losing a job is a distressing experience, often leaving individuals feeling it was unjust. However, distinguishing between an unfair dismissal and an illegal one—known as wrongful termination—is crucial. In the United States, it’s estimated that around 150,000...